Saturday, March 06, 2010

Below is a comment from I read this after purchasing The Complete Monty Python's 16 Ton Megaset: Flying Circus. Its profundity is worth sharing:

1.0 out of 5 stars Dumb, dumb, dumb "comedy" for lemmings, October 23, 2007
Seriously- how much of a troglodyte do you have to be to actually find Monty Python funny? There is absolutely nothing funny or intelligent about coupling idiotic dialogue with incongruous and surrealistic images. You want to know what kind of people claim to think that a Spanish man singing fallacious facts about llamas is somehow funny? The same kind of ninnies who think that a canvas splattered with paint and elephant dung is a work of genius...basically insecure college-indoctrinated pseudo intellectuals who are desperate to be thought of as smarter than people who like Adam Sandler, so they ape the tastes of other college-indoctrinated lemmings. However, Monty Python is a lot like Marxism or lesbianism...a university affectation which is usually abandoned once the poseur graduates and notices that the in-crowd doesn't really notice him anymore. He may keep a few tapes in the closet for when the old frat brothers visit, but no person in their right mind actually sits by them self watching Monty Python, let alone laughing at it. Maybe it's a drug thing, and Python is genuinely funny when you're blasted. I wouldn't know, but I do believe it would be a good idea to base voter eligibility on whether one finds Monty Python funny, with the Python fans being immediately ejected from the voting rolls. In such a nation, George Bush couldn't get elected dog catcher and Congress would resemble the School of Athens rather than a flying circus.

1 comment:

John said...

I wanted to get angry at this person, but then I thought, "What would Graham Chapman have done?" Probably he would have uttered something silly and very gay, and that's just about right. I just goes to show that 9 out of 10 British housewives can't tell the difference between whizzo butter and this dead crab.